Well, here we are at the apartment; please don t mind the boxes

Many years ago, when department stores were not part of an enormous chain, but were individually owned, Dorothy Shaver, in 1945, became the first women to be head of a major department store. As the president of Lord & Taylor, she ruled that all department heads had to spend several weeks a year as salespeople in the departments they ran.

Having just made a major downsizing move myself, I think it would be a good rule to apply to all “organizing and moving experts.” Even though I helped to design the Let’s Get Moving program for Pearce Plus and this was my 14th move, I still learned a great deal.

I am more convinced than ever that our program, which offers a helpful coordinator and vetted resources to aid individually with each move, is a lifesaver for any senior planning to make a move. I thought I had said “good riddance” to a lot, having had an estate sale followed by an auction house pick-up of the remainder and donations to Charlie’s Closet, Helping Hands and Goodwill, but I am still surrounded by a bewildering number of boxes most of which must remain unopened until the present antiquated kitchen is demolished and replaced ... in an estimated three weeks. Meanwhile, friends have graciously invited me to dinner, and I am also discovering many inexpensive but good places to eat within walking distance of the apartment. The apartment itself, on a high floor, is cheerful and sunny with two bathrooms and two bedrooms; one of which serves as my home office. The remainder consists of a small living-dinning area, open to the kitchen.

Actually, plenty of space for one individual except that like most apartments, there is very little storage space; no entry closet, utility closet or pantry.

My right hand, super organizer and cleaning lady, Roberta Williams, is the persistent, “get-rid-of-it” voice whenever I waver. Although, this is sometimes my role in helping seniors move, I found I also needed a strong, uncompromising, outside voice.

While I may miss some things at first, I can already feel how having much less will simplify and streamline my life. I have also told my San Francisco daughter, that this also serves as a big favor to her, which she will fully appreciate at some future time. My new Honda CRV, which I purchased just two months ago, has been a blessing. Although my main reason for going from a sedan to a CRV was the ease of entry, I am finding the large cargo space, indispensable, as I make regular forays between the town dump and my temporary storage rental locker.

Both cats, Ginger and Chibi Chan, have found loving, new homes, and although I miss them, I know this upheaval and the next phase of noise and dirt would have been unbearable for them.

Friends have pitched in and been an invaluable help as well as a morale booster, and we have also had some good laughs together over the unavoidable mishaps that are part of any move. I feel so fortunate to have found a new home in the same town where Val and I lived for the past 20 years.

Branford is special to me, and I am glad to still be a part of it all.

Contact Jean Cherni, certified senior adviser for Senior Living Solutions and Pearce Plus, a helpful, full-service program for seniors contemplating a move, at jeancherni@sbcglobal.net.

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