When the wind blows, that old arthritis makes even walking a chore

Fall is, without a doubt, my very favorite season of the year. Since I wilt in hot weather, the crisp fall air fills me with new energy, and the colors here in Connecticut are truly breathtaking. But this year, there’s an additional unwelcome symptom, arthritis pain in the hips and in the left ankle I broke many years ago.

Instead of striding forth and being able to enjoy this invigorating weather, I find I am taking careful, mincing steps, holding onto trees, car fenders, chairs and occasionally, even other people; often to their complete surprise. Cortisone shots and Aleve no longer seem to work, so I am about to try advice from the Mayo Clinic, which I will share with any of my readers also experiencing “Fallthritis.”

The basics
Whatever your condition, you will have an easier time staying ahead of your pain if you talk to your doctor about your symptoms, arthritis related or not. Sometimes, seemingly unrelated problems are, in fact, connected.

Ask your doctor for a clear definition of the type of arthritis you have. Find out if any of your joints are already damaged.

While most medications for arthritis relief are relatively safe, no medication is free of side effects. Talk with your doctor to decide what would work best for you.

Everyday routines
Do some gentle exercise in the evening, and you won’t feel as stiff in the morning. When you are basically doing nothing, be sure to adjust position frequently. Change the position of your hands; bend and stretch your legs.

Take breaks so that you don’t overuse a joint.

Gentle movement can decrease the pain, improve your range of motion, strengthen muscles and increase endurance. Low-impact aerobic exercise such as walking, cycling or water exercise. (For a number of years, I have been going to the Branford Y for an early morning water exercise class which I love). Of course, exercise along with diet should result in weight reduction which would alleviate stress on the joints. (On this point, I have had a spectacular lack of success.)

Avoid running, jumping, tennis, repetition of movement or complete inactivity.

Occasional pain may require nothing more than rest. Try application of heat or cold (whichever works best for you). There are even some sports-type rubs and roll-ons that may give quick, if not lasting, relief.

It is not surprising that depression is more common in people with arthritis. Pain has a negative effect on mood and if everyday activities are difficult, it is bound to be discouraging. If those feelings are constant and escalate, the doctor may recommend anti-depressants or cognitive behavioral therapy to reduce depression and the arthritis pain.

In summary, nothing earth-shattering in any of the above information, but even a small reduction in pain is encouraging. Hopefully, the drug companies are putting time and money into this major problem that affects so many of us as we age.

Meanwhile, if you spot an 80-something lady maneuvering unsteadily down the street, give her a big smile as you move out of the way; it might be me, out to enjoy this beautiful fall weather ... arthritis be dammed.

Contact Jean Cherni, certified senior adviser for Senior Living Solutions and Pearce Plus, a helpful, full-service program for seniors contemplating a move, at jeancherni@sbcglobal.net or 49 Rose St., Apt. 510, Branford, 06405.

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