Some people who need and could be helped by this column won’t be reading it because they can’t.
In the United States, an estimated 30 million people older than 16 are not able to read any better than an average elementary school child.
Thirty-five years ago, at a church in Hamden, Betsy Gumbart started Literacy Volunteers of Greater New Haven. Recently, I paid a visit to the Literacy Resource Center at Science Park, which is the home of four important nonprofit agencies:
-Literacy Volunteers of Greater New Haven
-New Haven Reads Community Book Bank
-The Greater New Haven Literacy Coalition
-Concepts for Adaptive Learning
Their mutual goal is to promote improved literacy levels in Greater New Haven, something that is urgently needed since 30 percent of the adult population in New Haven County is at the lowest level of literacy.
Activities at the Resource Center include the recruiting and training of volunteer tutors, free tutoring for children and adults, computer training classes for adults, as well as computer literacy training for adults and children.
Free books are provided to all families who come to the Resource Center. When I visited the center, I was warmly greeted and shown around by Doss Venema, executive director, and Betty Brumberg, program manager, and then I sat in on two classes; one at a very beginning level, where adults with the help of their patient volunteer tutor were learning the basic sounds for each letter.
One man in this class confided to me that he was good with his hands and could fix anything, but was unable to find work because although born in this country, his English skills were so poor he could not fill out a job application.
In the second class, at a more advanced level, two tutors were helping students break down sentences into phrases and to figure out the meaning of more complex words.
One student said he was here so that he could help his children with their homework; another wanted to get her high school equivalency diploma. Imagine the courage it must take for adults in their 30s and 40s to admit to inadequacies in their reading abilities and to come for help.
Watching them struggle to learn and encourage one another, and to observe the skill and patience of their volunteer instructors, was touching and inspirational. Is there a greater gift you can give to anyone than to open up the world of books to them?
A separate, but equally important program, English as a Second Language for the foreign born, is offered through the Literacy Volunteer program and through the adult education programs in most communities.
Although this has to be one of the most rewarding volunteer opportunities open to men and women of any age, literacy volunteers are still very needed. Training only requires a total of 12 hours, and a tutor can choose to teach for a few hours each week at one of more than 39 local tutoring locations.
No skill is more crucial to help people support themselves and their families, to give children a good start and to help in fostering engaged citizens and creating stronger, healthier communities.
There is a close correlation between adult illiteracy and crime. Literacy is essential to eradicate poverty at home and abroad and address gender inequality. (Two-thirds of the 800 million adults illiterate in their native language are women.) The ability to read and write is the basis for all other education.
To donate books to New Haven Reads, go to or call 203-752-1923.
To inquire about becoming a tutor or a student in the literacy classes, go to or call 203-776-5899.
If you can READ, you can HELP!
- Article by Jean Cherni, founder of the retirement advisory service, Senior Living Solutions. Contact her at or 15 The Ponds at Hotchkiss Grove, Branford 06405.
Our visit to the Literacy Center in New Haven taught us a few things
We're taking a page from David Letterman for this one
Lately, I’ve been hearing and reading a great deal about “living in the moment,” appreciating what life has to offer and remembering to find something to be grateful for, every day. And yet, we are constantly reminded that reaching senior-hood in this youth-oriented society is a state to be avoided at all possible costs.
Many famous movie stars and other personalities so dislike the old sound of the word “grandmother” they have devised other, younger-sounding names for their grandchildren to call them. Since I have three grown children, none of whom have had children, the sweet sound of the word “grandma” is one I may never hear.
Flipping through a recent issue of O magazine, titled “Living Life to the Fullest,” I felt down-trodden and uninspired by the first 20 pages ... every one an advertisement for a rejuvenating cream, serum or some device to banish wrinkles and signs of age. How can I live life to the fullest if I’m constantly worried about a sagging chin and crow’s feet?
I decided to fight back on behalf of everyone trying to savor their seniority by creating a Top 10 Reasons to be Grateful I’m a Senior.
1. I no longer need to worry that if I do something a little foolish I will get banned from the senior prom.
2. Nobody ever says, “You’re not old enough to do that, yet.”
3. Betty White is enjoying a big comeback, and she’s even older than I am.
4. Television producers are finally beginning to realize that there is an over-55 market, and programs scheduled for fall harken back to some that were popular in the ’60s. Featured will be Playboy bunnies and airline stewardesses in perky uniforms. While not very intellectual, it should please the older males and hopefully will be better than “Jersey Shore” and “The Real Housewives of Little Bend.”
5. I get a big, self-satisfied smirk on this wrinkled countenance whenever I can say, “senior discount, please” at McDonald’s, buying my railroad ticket, going to a museum or movie or shopping at Kohl’s on “senior days.” I live in hope for senior discount days to arrive at the food check out and the gas pump. Wouldn’t that be something?
6. My kids finally appreciate me.
7. I can wear comfortable shoes. Current styles of footwear resemble instruments of torture. The only thing higher than their platforms and heels are their ridiculous prices.
8. People who I envied when I was a young girl, Lana Turner, Hedy Lamaar, Rita Hayworth, even Elizabeth Taylor, all have grown old and passed away, but I’m still here.
9. My spouse is well past the age when he can: (a) fly to Argentina to have an affair, and (b) sneak up on our cleaning lady and distract her while she dusts.
10. Finally, nobody any longer asks, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I’ve grown up and I am doing what I love, constantly challenged by this very special third act of life.
Cheers for those of us who have reached the top rung of life from your grateful to be growing older, friend and columnist.
- Article by Jean Cherni, founder of the retirement advisory service, Senior Living Solutions. Contact her at or 15 The Ponds at Hotchkiss Grove, Branford 06405.