What we really need is a holiday to celebrate common sense and moderation

Black Friday, this year, was just the start of a time when some Americans seemingly lose their senses.

I am completely bewildered by the lemming-like behavior of the crowds who forgo one of our most special and meaningful holidays to stand in long lines for hours, then push and shove, to buy what are now considered the “necessities” of life: a huge flat-screen LED TV, an iPad, iPod, iBox, Nook or Kindle. I own none of these and somehow have never felt deprived.

Some newscasters, in attempting to explain the Republican loss in the recent election, blamed it on people wanting “things.” While they were referring to the social safety net “things” like Medicare, Social Security, health care and unemployment insurance, they overlooked Americans’ (including the high earners among us) insatiable need to constantly buy and own “things.”

The latest upscale “brag” purchase is an emergency generator of your very own. Why worry about the infrastructure or your neighbor’s problems as long as you can stay safe and warm?

It apparently is not enough that half the world is in turmoil. Tens of thousands of Texans, not content with being able to tote their guns over state lines, now have signed a petition and want to secede from the Union. To add to what would be total confusion if indeed that were to happen, a man in Austin has asked the federal government to allow Austin to withdraw from Texas and remain part of the United States.

I can’t wait to see the new Spielberg movie to learn more about how Lincoln handled it all. If Honest Abe were alive today, it would surely surprise him to learn that his Republican Party of unification has now arisen as the new voice of “separatism” in the South.

Fashion, has always been somewhat nonsensical in nature. Accordingly, a J.Crew executive, has decreed that, “In style, men are the new women.” Men are taking a renewed interest in clothes and cosmetics and buying form-fitting suits to show off their work-out perfect bodies. And I thought messy jeans and T-shirts were still in style!

Along with the loss of many other former “niceties” such as polite behavior, good manners and customer service, it is reported that cursive handwriting is disappearing from the schools, with only California and a few other states still requiring it. While children are increasingly agile at thumbing all kinds of keyboards, there is nothing that takes the place of a handwritten letter or thank-you note.

Guess that is soon to be only a fond memory.

Sometimes, it is hard to find the true meaning of the holidays, surrounded by news of Syrian refugees in the bitter cold; a cease-fire, but no permanent solution in Gaza; and worries over the “fiscal cliff” here at home.

When the world doesn’t seem to make sense, it takes an extra effort to focus on the important, small things: the thoughtfulness of friends and co-workers, the look on the faces of the children when the tree on the town green is lit, and the essential goodness of most people.

Among the many local events to help lift your spirits, the Shoreline Eldercare Alliance is hosting a free educational event, Healthy Choices for Holiday Eating, Dec. 9 from 2-4 p.m. at the Nathanael Greene Community Center, 32 Church St. Enjoy, music with the Guilford High School Symphony, free food samplings from community chefs and stroll the Guilford shops.

Contact Jean Cherni, certified senior adviser for Senior Living Solutions and Pearce Plus, a helpful, full-service program for seniors contemplating a move, at jeancherni@sbcglobal.net or 15 The Ponds at 101 Hotchkiss Grove, Branford 06405.