I'm down in the basement with all the stuff that should have been tossed years ago

“Happiness doesn’t depend on how much you have to enjoy, but how much you enjoy what you have.” — Tom Wilson

Talk about poetic justice! Here I am, the de-clutter expert who helps others who are planning to dispose of too many possessions, deep in the recesses of my enormous basement, surrounded by a 20-year hoard of unnecessary stuff.

I have been talking aloud to my recently departed husband, Val, accusing him of saving every piece of paper since he was in third grade. In all honesty, however, he never wore those size 10 women’s clothes and even my own memory is dim as to what year it was when I last fitted into anything less than a size 16.

The trouble with basements is that they are the perfect excuse to procrastinate; to say, in effect, “I’ll think about this later. After all, maybe, I’ll need it someday.”

Well, dear reader, my “some day” has come and gone, and I am now applying my own good-riddance rules with a vengeance. For those of you inspired by the advent of spring to join me in my throw-out marathon, here are some helpful hints:

First, recognize that clutter is anything you don’t use, want or love — often, items labeled “miscellaneous” and lacking a place or purpose.

Walk around your house and make a list of everything you see that you really don’t need. Now, open drawers and do the same thing.

Picture, in your mind, how each room could look without the extra clutter. Getting rid of clutter also eliminates much cleaning.

Questions to ask yourself:

1. How long has it been since I used this? Continued...

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2. Do I have more than one of this item? (Especially in the kitchen)

3. Do I need and enjoy this regularly?

4. Is this in good condition? Would it be cheaper to fix or replace it?

5. Are there unfinished projects? Set a deadline for completion, or say good-bye.

When it comes to closets, beware of fancy organizers. Sometimes all they accomplish is to help us neatly store what we don’t really need.

As for clothes, if it looks better on the hanger than it does on you, out it goes.

Sentimental clutter can be the hardest to bid farewell. Grandmother’s china, your children’s schoolwork, vacation mementos, cards and photos from high school friends. Sometimes, you can keep a sampling; one or two items beautifully arranged or displayed will offer more meaning and pleasure.

You’ll want to save the sentimental stuff for last because each card, each photo, each beloved item will have to be read, talked about, admired, etc., and departure depression sets in.

Part of the problem for those of you in my age group (over 50 ... way over) is we grew up in a period of “wear it out, use it up, make it do,” so we hate to throw away anything. But that was a period when we had very few things, so we were savers and keepers out of necessity.

We all feel better when we can turn our unwanted items into good deeds. Consignment shops and thrift shops are always looking for attractive furniture and clothes, and donations are tax deductible. Charities and international organizations often have drives for specific items. Continued...

Charlies Closet in Guilford (203-453-8359) accepts all kinds of used medical equipment and health aids. Half-price bookstores exist around New Haven, and your professional clothing can make a big difference for someone looking for a job.

Be sure to give yourself a little treat after a successful good-riddance session.

Keep in mind that the past is to learn from, not to live in.

On a personal note: I thank the many readers who emailed and wrote to me after my Feb. 26 column. I hope to answer all of you, individually, but it will take some time. Meanwhile, know that your thoughtful caring has helped immeasurably.

- Article by Jean Cherni, founder of the retirement advisory service, Senior Living Solutions. Contact her at jeancherni@sbcglobal.net or 15 The Ponds at Hotchkiss Grove, Branford 06405.