Toss water, ice and a few lemon slices into a pitcher and enjoy

Next to oxygen, water is the nutrient most needed for life. Humans can go without food for a month, but we can usually survive only three or four days without water.

Water makes up 85 percent of our blood, 70 percent of our muscles and 75 percent of our brains, although on certain days when I am being forgetful, it feels as though my brain is 100 percent water.

In our bodies, water acts as a solvent, coolant and lubricant; carrying nutrients, removing toxins and, very important in summer weather, regulating our body temperatures. The elderly are especially at risk for dehydration in hot weather, because our bodies have a lower water content than younger people. We may also have a more muted perception of thirst. Unfortunately, many symptoms of dehydration do not appear until significant fluid has been lost.

In only eight hours, life-threatening consequences can occur. Disabled elderly are especially at risk and need help and reminders to drink fluids. Some will refuse fluids in the incorrect belief that they will prevent incontinence and decrease the needed number of trips to the bathroom. The opposite is often true. Some signs of dehydration are confusion, poor skin elasticity, dry or furrowed tongue, weight loss, cramping in arms or legs, flushed face, dizziness, headaches and a decrease in blood pressure. The best defense, of course, is prevention. If you are helping to care for an elderly person, the following suggestions could be useful:

-Schedule fluid intake for at least three times a day between meals. Older folks tolerate more frequent, small drinks rather than large quantities.

-Leave fresh, full pitchers of water at bedside and supply straws and special drinking glasses to make it easy.

-Offer a full glass of fluid with medications.

-Take a positive approach. Instead of asking, “Do you want something to drink?” say, “Here is a nice glass of juice for you.”

-Offer a variety of different cool beverages. Use colorful glasses or garnish with a piece of fruit.  

-Avoid beverages containing caffeine or alcohol since they both have dehydrating properties.

-Always have ice water and other beverages with you on all family outings.

Although as I write this, I am still in re-hab, if all goes well, by the time you read this, I will have returned home. My heartfelt thanks to so many readers who sent emails and cards, which helped me to stay cheerful and positive.

Contact Jean Cherni, certified senior adviser for Senior Living Solutions and Pearce Plus, a helpful, full-service program for seniors contemplating a move, at or 15 The Ponds at 101 Hotchkiss Grove, Branford 06405.