Ah! The new year brings us fresh promises.
Scanning the magazine
covers at the supermarket, one would conclude that the most important goal of
all Americans is losing weight: “Drop a Jean Size,” “Slim, Sexy You,” “Get a
Firm, Sexier Butt,” “The 8-Hour Diet” and “32 Foods that Fight Fat” were just a
few featured articles.
Did you know that more people take out a gym
membership in January than any other month?
Since it is human nature to
want to set goals at this time of year, I’ve been doing some research on how to
set goals that we have a good chance to accomplish.
First, I learned that you need to be sure your goals don’t conflict with one
another. For example, if you have determined that you would feel better and be
more efficient if you could get more sleep at night (incidentally, studies have
shown that there is a link between obesity and sleep deprivation), and at the
same time one of your goals is to join more activities or take a part-time job,
those goals will have trouble coexisting.
I know that if I want to drop
the 20 pounds that my cardiologist recommends, it will be at odds with my goal
to remain cheerful, calm and noncritical. Any diet leaves me feeling deprived,
disgruntled and downright peeved at the world. My only recourse would be to go
into hibernation for six to eight weeks until I lose the pounds.
In case
you are still determined to make resolutions for this bright new year, here are
tips for accomplishing your goals.
-Make yourself a priority. Learn to
say “no” to others when you feel overwhelmed and to say “yes” to your own needs
and wants.
-Be grateful for what you have. Spend a few minutes each day
making a gratitude check, thinking of all you have and the love, warmth, comfort
and care you receive daily.
-Remember to pay it forward. Give of yourself
every day; even if it is only to smile or say hello to a stranger.
-Let go of expectations of what “could be” or “should be.” Enjoy the life of now.
The main reason people fail at keeping New Year’s resolutions, or any promise to themselves, is they set the bar too high. In order to turn a goal into a habit, it needs to be very “doable.” The key to success is not how much you do every day, but whether you do it at all. You don’t need to tackle the whole staircase, just take the first step.
Contact Jean Cherni, certified senior adviser for Senior Living Solutions and Pearce Plus, a full-service program for seniors contemplating a move, at jeancherni@sbcglobal.net or 15 The Ponds at 101 Hotchkiss Grove, Branford 06405.