For so many reasons, Christmas just doesn’t feel the same this year

Trying to keep a few traditions intact even though this Christmas I would have no family members joining me, I had gone to New York to see “the tree,” had lunch with a friend at the Metropolitan museum where we delighted in the Matisse exhibit, and enjoyed festive celebrations with co-workers and neighbors.

And then the horror that is Newtown, and this became a Christmas like no other. Could there be a more heart-wrenching time for tragedy than Christmas and Hanukkah, holidays especially meant for and enjoyed by children.

The random killing of small children here in our own state, in a typical, small, safe (we thought) town. Perhaps the Mayans had it right, but were off by a few days. Certainly the world that those of us born in the ’20s and ’30s knew has already ended.

Locks and lockdowns? Security systems? Armed guards in hallways? Safety drills on where to hide in a classroom? All unknown in my time, even at a New York City school where classroom doors were often kept ajar to catch the smallest cooling breeze.

Why has the world become so much more violent? As President Obama said in his touching speech, the reasons are very complex. Some blame lack of prayer in the schools, others our violent movies and games, still others our lack of enough help for our troubled youth.

We do know one thing for sure. We are the most “armed” society in the world, with more than 300 million guns in private hands and a gun homicide rate nearly 20 times higher than other civilized countries.

Australia changed its laws in 1996 after a gunman killed 35 people with semi-automatic weapons and now has banned assault weapons and shotguns and tightened licensing. Homicides in the years since have dropped 59 percent.

Britain bans almost all automatic weapons and requires voluminous paperwork to even own a shotgun or rifle for hunting. Japan also has very strict laws with similar low homicide rates.

Additionally, research has shown that gun ownership does not make people safer, but increases the likelihood of gun violence in the home. Surely, when the founding fathers wrote about our “right to bear arms,” they never envisioned the killing power of modern-day weaponry.

Our fascination with Prince William and mother-to-be, Kate and a popular British television series on PBS makes me wonder if we don’t still secretly yearn to be part of the Commonwealth, anyway. In the event a foreign power does decide to eliminate us, it will be by nuclear means, not semi-automatics. Despite all this, there are some voices in Congress saying we should wait to address the long overdue gun control issue.

If we do not try NOW to fix this problem, how will we answer to our children and how will we ever be able to look forward to and enjoy another Christmas?

Contact Jean Cherni, certified senior adviser for Senior Living Solutions and Pearce Plus, a helpful, full-service program for seniors contemplating a move, at or 15 The Ponds at 101 Hotchkiss Grove, Branford 06405.