Once upon a time, I looked forward and took pleasure in buying something new. Now, I do lengthy, diligent research before making a selection from the multitude of the many products performing the exact same function. And, sorry to say, before I have even paid the credit card bill for said item, there is a newer, better version introduced to the market.
My daughter has been anxious to give me a present of one of those tablets on which you can read any book ever published. As a writer myself, I have an inborn distaste for anything other than a true book. I love the beautiful covers, artistic bindings and heft and weight in my hands.
I feel connected to the author as I turn the pages or go back and read a favorite passage. It may be the romantic in me, but I feel a beautiful, cherished book is also a tribute to the author’s efforts and to the words and story bound within.
However, it would be nice to have a variety of books instantly available when traveling, and the clincher for me was when I learned that you can adjust the print size, and even purchase one with a built-in light; marvelous for airplane trips when everyone else is sleeping and you want to read. My research revealed that the Kindle, sold through Amazon, starts at $79, with the Kindle DX setting you back $379.
The latest Kindle Fire is $199, has color, connects to the Web and, of course, you can also watch movies and play games. There are more than 800,000 book titles available for $9.99 or less; no waiting, no due dates.
And since in today’s world, we always need others’ opinions on simply everything, you cannot only highlight a passage you like, but the Kindle will let you know how many other readers have also highlighted that same passage, so you can then post it to all your friends using social media.
Mentioned as an additional incentive, free offers will also be displayed on your Kindle. (Do we really need yet another place where advertising invades our lives?)
The major competitor is the Nook sold by Barnes & Noble and costs from $99 to $199. The Simple Touch with the Glow-lite is $139, and the Nook color is $169, nice for looking at art books and some magazines, but alas, no Glow-lite.
Did I forget to mention that to get a Nook Look, you can purchase a Lily Pulitzer cover for $30, or a Graphite snap-on light (in case you bought the color model), a special frame to make holding the Nook easier, and a tote for toting will set you back $69.96.
I still can’t decide. So meanwhile, I’m tossing a paperback into my handbag. I did, recently, make an instant technical decision. In Staples to purchase more costly cartridges for my aging Epson printer, I spied an HP laser printer on sale for which I also had a coupon. Reasoning that I could buy the new printer for little more than the cost of the cartridges, I purchased it on the spot.
My last technical misadventure occurred when my cellphone charger was lost at Milford Hospital. Stopping at Radio Shack to purchase a new charger, the salesman looked at me in dismay.
“Your cellphone is very old, isn’t it?” he inquired. “I replied that it is, but it still worked just fine. “I’m sorry,” he said a bit disdainfully, “they no longer make a charger for such an outdated model.”
Deflated, I bought the simplest, new cellphone, plus a charger, and hurried home to read the instruction book. After an hour of trying to fathom where the buttons in the illustrations matched the phone, I had to swallow my pride and return to the store for help.
There must be something they add to the baby formula nowadays that enables even toddlers to master the technology. It apparently isn’t in this Jean’s genes.
Contact Jean Cherni, certified senior adviser for Senior Living Solutions and Pearce Plus, a helpful, full-service program for seniors contemplating a move, at jeancherni@sbcglobal.net or 15 The Ponds at 101 Hotchkiss Grove, Branford 06405.