Gatekeepers will be looking out for our senior neighbors

A unique program that helps seniors at risk, first implemented by St. Luke’s, a nondenominational charitable organization chartered back in 1865 in Middletown, is being introduced to New Haven County.

Known as The Gatekeeper Program, the goal is to educate community members (especially those who regularly are in contact with older adults) to notice and identify seniors who are potentially at risk or in need of assistance.

As Dwight Norwood, a social worker and director of the program explained, the breakdown of close-knit families and neighborhoods has resulted in many more seniors living alone who are isolated, depressed or in need of help.

Modeled after a successful program founded in Spokane, Wash., 32 years ago, Gatekeepers reaches out in a variety of ways to elderly residents living on their own.

The program works this way: A postal employee, beautician or neighbor notices signs that a senior is in need of assistance. They call the Gatekeeper at 855-ASK GATE, and report the elder’s name and phone number, their age, if known, the address or directions to the home and what their concerns are. The Gatekeeper’s name is kept confidential and their role ends here. Next, a trained professional senior advocate will establish contact, ask the senior if they would like some helpful information or a visit, and refer the senior to the appropriate community service.

Should the older adult refuse help, the advocate will determine whether that person is sufficiently at risk to warrant referral to Protective Services or a mental health professional.

In some cases, they may continue to monitor, but will not refer until the older adult is ready. Forcing assistance is never the goal, but the elderly deserve to be informed of alternatives and options that will preserve independence and enhance quality of life.

The Gatekeeper program is never a substitute for 911, but if any one call helps to prevent a senior from going to a nursing home, the potential saving to the state is $120,000 per year.

Signs that an older adult may need assistance are:

Unkempt appearance Continued...

Strong odors on person or in the home

Socially isolated

Depression, confusion or forgetfulness

Substance or alcohol abuse

Neglect of house, yard or pets

Physical decline

Caregiver stress (an older adult caring for a spouse)

The state will be setting up five new locations for the Gatekeeper Program, and hopes to involve and inform as many firms and individuals as possible.

If you would like to host an informational session for your staff, clients or organization, call Dwight Norwood at 855-ASK GATE during normal business hours.

This is an excellent opportunity for all of us to be alert and to lend a helping hand to those in need.

- Article by Jean Cherni, founder of the retirement advisory service, Senior Living Solutions. Contact her at or 15 The Ponds at Hotchkiss Grove, Branford 06405.