It is said that you never should have any surgery if there are other options or until the pain is really severe. However, surgeries for both the knees and hips have been vastly improved and simplified in the past 15-20 years, and physicians are encouraging seniors not to wait too long before making the decision to have these elective surgeries which so affect quality of life.
The past several Senior Moments columns were, of necessity, written previous to a planned hip replacement surgery which I underwent in early February. Since Christmas, I had been in constant discomfort and unable to walk far without severe pain, so that hastened the decision to have the surgery.
While there are several methods and different types of devices that can be used, basically, worn cartilage that no longer serves as a cushion is replaced by a ball and stem made from a super alloy material inserted into the thigh bone for stability. A cup made from a durable plastic material replaces the worn socket in the hip.
After some diligent research, I chose the New York Hospital for Special Surgery as it is the leading hospital for orthopedic surgery in America. I also had an excellent outcome at the same hospital four years ago, when I had been operated on for spinal stenosis. The disadvantage, of course, is the required trips into New York for pre-op and a "pathway to recovery" training class at the hospital, the trip for the surgery itself and then a post-op visit.
Since surgery was scheduled for 6 a.m. Wednesday, I planned to take the train into New York on Tuesday and spend the night at son Michael’s apartment. Val, following his usual dialysis treatment, was to drive me to the station. After some last-minute morning errands, I returned home to find a message from Val, "Don’t worry, but I’m in Yale-New Haven Hospital."
Unfortunately, "I’m in the hospital" is in no way compatible with, "Don’t worry," especially if you are about to have surgery yourself, and I became slightly unhinged.
The dialysis center informed me that while not serious, there had been some difficulty, necessitating a call to our ever-helpful neighbor, Sandy Mango, who not only drove Val, but stayed with him for several hours at the hospital. Meanwhile, it had started to snow very hard, and I had a train to catch, but luckily I was able to commandeer my friend and home organizer, Roberta Williams, who took me to the station in her truck.
Once aboard, I settled in with suitcase and cane and tried to relax. Suddenly, at the 125th Street Station, the train came to a complete, ominous standstill. Despite various mechanical personnel dashing back and forth, they had to evacuate the train, put us all on another one, which did eventually arrive at Grand Central. The next morning, I taxied to the hospital without incident; a good thing, as I was beginning to wonder if there was a jinx on this surgery.
The hospital for Special Surgery is on 70th Street and the East River, with beautiful panoramic views. The atmosphere is highly professional, but also warm and supportive. After the two-hour surgery, I awoke in a spacious room where I could see the boats on the river and met my roommate, Edith Frankel, who was recuperating from a double knee operation. eHarmony could not have made a more perfect match.
Edith and her husband own a fabulous art gallery on Madison Avenue in New York, specializing in Chinese and Japanese art and antiquities. Since I am an admirer of all things Oriental, I was fascinated by this stimulating and charming woman.
She and her husband opened the gallery 44 years ago, following a very bad automobile accident which caused them to re-think their lives, sell their interest in a medical supply business and take the risk to follow their hearts and do what they loved.
After three days at the hospital, it was time to leave for Branford Hills and re-hab, a trip that was to be made by private ambulance. Unbelievably, this state-of-the-art ambulance developed mechanical problems in Orange, and they had to pull off the road and transfer me to another ambulance. The driver could not understand why I was laughing so hard, I almost fell off the gurney.
The stay at Branford Hills Rehabilitation proceeded very well. The therapy staff, led by Ken Higgins, was excellent, encouraging, but making me work hard, and the flowers and cards from friends and fellow workers cheered me on more than they can ever know. However, the food, as in many facilities of this type, is truly abysmal.
Unlike the hospital, where I had a choice, food is wasted because what arrives is not only poorly cooked and served, it may be the last thing you feel like eating at the time. Food is such an important element in recovery and in patient morale, it is hard to excuse such poor quality.
I am now adjusting to home, and with the help of the Guilford VNA, learning how to navigate stairs, dress myself (putting on socks is a real challenge) and slowly depend more and more on my brand new hip.
I feel sure that in a few weeks, especially with the start of some warmer weather, I’ll be out walking and shouting, "Hip, hip, hooray!"
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